Current Favorites: Things I’m Loving This Summer!

Hey Loves!! Is anyone else shook that today is August 1st? Summer has gone by like FLASH! It’s super crazy!! Today’s post is a little different! A few days ago, a favorite blogger of mine, Madi Rae, who runs the blog, Every Day with Madi Rae, mentioned weeks ago all her favorite things currently!

So today, I wanted to share with you all my favorites this summer, things I’m loving on youtube, podcast, fashion, and more!

I’ve decided to do this because I really enjoyed reading Madi’s favorites and because there is so much stuff that I am really into this summer! It’s almost overwhelming! but I’m really excited to share with you guys new products, new apps that I’m loving.

Who doesn’t want to hear about new things? I know I enjoy hearing about new stuff from my favorite bloggers, and I for one love to keep you guys up to date on the latest things in my life and in the blogging world!!

So let’s get right into it! Here are my favorites this summer

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  • Outlander by Diana Gabaldon – So I ‘m currently reading the book, Outlander! I started reading about a week ago. The reason I became so interested in the book because I started watching the show first on Netflix. I fell so completely in love with the show, that I started doing so much research on it. That’s when I found out it was an 8 part series book. The show in itself is very detailed, but it still doesn’t beat the details in the book.


I have posted many fashion post here on the blog in the last few months such as HOW TO STYLE A SUNDRESS FOR SPRING 2019 & HOW TO WEAR NEON IN 2019!

  • But one piece in my closet I’ve been living in this summer is my vintage khaki shorts! I’m so into short sets this summer it crazy!! Like I could wear short sets every day if possible.
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Podcast Episodes

  • Goal Digger –How To Start Your Influencer Business without 10K– Influencer, Blogger & content creator, Jenna Kutcher, interviews Ally, a talent management for influencers, and brand communications for beauty brands. Ally and Jenna both share how to become an influencer today, and that you don’t need 10k followers to start your influencer business.
  • Thirty MinutesWhat’s Up With Christian Men Not Wanting To Commit? – Preston and Jackie Hill Perry discuss how it’s discouraging and hard for Christian women to find a Christian man that actually wants to settle down and commit. This podcast for me really hit to heart because I’ve also asked “Why don’t Christian men commit” “Like What Yall Waiting For?”
  • Hillsong Creative Creating With The Creator – So my sister in Christ, put me on to this podcast as a fellow creative and entrepreneur, and in this particular episode Hanna Hobbs talks to artist Leanne Thomas on how to progress into a creative career
THINGS I'M LOVING THIS SUMMER!Pin this image on Pinterest


  • Weight Loss – This month, I have 7 pounds!! Crazy!! I started my weight loss journey earlier this year back in January. In the first couple of months, I felt discouraged all most every day. I still struggle some days with these issues, but it’s not as bad as it was in the beginning. But now 6 months in I am now seeing the result of my hard work and my discipline towards food.
  • Intermittent Fasting – I have been intermittent fasting since February, where I don’t eat for 17 hours each day. So I stop eating every day from 9 pm until 1 pm the next afternoon. This type of fast has definitely helped me on my weight loss journey and this summer I have seen positive results.
  • Water – So water is my bestie!!! In college, I was HEAVILY addicted to sodas. I needed or should I say wanted a Mellow Yellow EVERY DAY! It was horrible. Then earlier this year I started to notice that the sodas were hurting me physically. So I decided to cut out the excessive soda drinking and went to water ONLY!! And when I tell you it has changed me completely!
  • Smoothies – I’m back at regularly having a smoothie each day! I was good at this the beginning in the year until March and then I fell off, and I recently got back into the grove!! I really enjoy berries smoothies. Like berries just make me feel so much better!!
THINGS I'M LOVING THIS SUMMER!Pin this image on Pinterest


  • Charcoal Facial Wipes – Charcoal Facial wipes has definitely been my go-to this summer. Though I don’t really have facial skin issues. These wipes have defiantly left my skin feeling clean and smooth.
  • Milani Double Expresso #38  – I have been into nude tones this summer weather its fashion or makeup, and Milani Double Expresso #38 has been my favorite lipstick to wear this summer. (wearing in photographs)
  • Coco Chanel Mademoiselle  –Mademoiselle Eau de Parfum is my favorite scent right now! I can’t and will not leave the house without spraying some on me. The smell just reminds me of carefree summer nights!


  • Healthy Wealthy Skinny– focuses on topics that will help you live a healthy, wealthy, and skinny life.
  • Truly Jamie– Jamie was one of the first bloggers I started following & she’s still one of my favorites! She discusses all things fashion, beauty, and home decor.
  • Aliya Janell – Aliya Janell is a choreographer based in LA and her moves have been noticed by celebrities such as Chris Brown, Nicki Minji and a few others.
THINGS I'M LOVING THIS SUMMER!Pin this image on Pinterest


  • Outlander – Now I’m a highly new fan of Outlander! I found out about the show from blogger and influencer Noelle Downing She was saying that Outlander and Game Of Thrones were her favorite show! and I’m a super fangirl of Game Of Thrones so I had to check out Outlander, and when I tell you I am so in love. I have binge-watched all four season and I already can’t wait for next season!


THINGS I'M LOVING THIS SUMMER!Pin this image on Pinterest

*I hope you enjoyed my first favorites post. I plan on doing one for each season!! Let me know in the comments something you’re enjoying right now.


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  1. August 1, 2019 / 2:56 PM

    I love charcoal face wipes! Love the favourites post

    • Alexandria
      August 2, 2019 / 8:31 AM

      Thank You so much!! yea my skin feels amazing!!!

  2. August 2, 2019 / 2:50 AM

    I love the outfit, it looks stylish and comfy at the same time. And congrats on losing weight, I’m also struggling with that.

    • Alexandria
      August 2, 2019 / 8:26 AM

      Thank You!! It has not been an easy journey! Trust Me! But I am seeing progress so ill keep going!!

  3. August 2, 2019 / 6:08 AM

    I absolutely love your style! The shorts set is so cute! Everyone I’ve talked to has seen and really enjoyed Outlander. I’ve read the books, so I think it’s time I check out the TV show, and I’m definitely going to check out your favourite podcasts (I’m always looking for something new to listen to).

    • Alexandria
      August 2, 2019 / 8:24 AM

      I was so upset that it took me this long to find out about Outlander! It was like the world knew this big secret and I just got filled in on it!!

  4. August 2, 2019 / 7:40 AM

    Ahh girl!! Thanks so much for the little shout out!! You’re the sweetest!! I’m definitely going to be checking out some of your favorites…that Goal Digger podcast sounds awesome!! I also LOVE all the khaki inspo you gave here, I would love to add some of those pieces to my closet!

    Have a great weekend!
    -Madi xo |

    • Alexandria
      August 2, 2019 / 8:13 AM

      It’s no problem at all!!! I truly enjoy your blog!!! You have a wonderful weekend as well!!!

  5. August 2, 2019 / 4:14 PM

    I am always looking for book recommendations, so thank you! I am, also, into the intermittent fasting and smoothies/shakes this summer!

    • Alexandria
      August 2, 2019 / 4:41 PM

      Yes!!!! You’ll enjoy Outlander and the intermittent fasting changed my life. It disciplined me.

  6. August 2, 2019 / 7:00 PM

    This is awesome! It’s cool getting to read about some things you’re loving. Right now, I’m just enjoying the time I get to relax!

    • Alexandria
      August 2, 2019 / 9:56 PM

      Yes!! Enjoy some downtown!!!

  7. August 2, 2019 / 7:23 PM

    Yaaas baybee girl. Now that’s how to slay. Congrats on your weight loss. I’ve lost 14pounds. But I’m totally comfy with the way I am now. Don’t intend to lose more. 😀

    • Alexandria
      August 2, 2019 / 10:01 PM


  8. Janay
    August 3, 2019 / 3:48 PM

    I enjoyed reading this a learning about new popular things! I love a good podcast so I’ll have to check out the ones that you listed! And I love short sets! So 90s

    • Alexandria
      August 4, 2019 / 11:37 PM

      Aww thanks!! and yes do check out the podcasts, and yes I’m a huge fan of 90’s or any vintage fashion.

  9. August 3, 2019 / 7:39 PM

    so boss, I love it! Jacket and kicks are a next level combination!

    • Alexandria
      August 4, 2019 / 11:36 PM

      Aww Thanks, Gorgeous!!! I’m a sucker for some sneakers!!

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