For the past few weeks, I have been really focused on self-care and learning why it’s so important to grow as an individual.

This quote really spoke to me when I first read it. As a child and teenager, I really struggled with standing up for myself. Can you believe it I lacked self-confidence? I sometimes still struggle with it as a young adult. Gathering up the courage to speak up and speak out!
I often let fear and what other people told me, dictate how I was going to live my life. While in high school many of family members thought it was foolish to want to major in Fine Arts. They often told me that I would never make a career out of “Coloring.”
This then turned into a lack of confidences and shot down my self-esteem. When I was younger I often felt discouraged and unseen whenever someone would open their mouth allowing negative words to fly off their tounges concerning my future. I allowed people to say and treat me with so much disrespect, I wouldn’t fight back at all. I would just cry and grow numb.

But God! Who is so awesome at comforting His children and proving the enemy wrong! I became the award-winning artist that certain people doubt I would be. Also being a huge dreamer help me look past those current situations and thoughts of others and it pushed me forward in what I believe God called me to be.
As an artist one of the main things we struggle with is self-confidence. Whether it’s in ourself or our work it’s sometimes hard for creators to see their own self-worth.

Not saying only creators suffer from this. There are plenty of people who also struggle with finding self-confidence in themselves and in what they do or don’t do.
But I’m so grateful to God that I didn’t allow the words of man stop me from following my career path. I did not think I was worthy and it really impacted how I lived my life.
Would you believe me if I told you, you can reclaim your self-esteem/ confidence? I had to put in the work but I did it. I’m still growing in certain areas, but I really desired to change the way I viewed myself, and how I think. Seriously I did it and I work on it every day. Reclaiming my confidence was the backbone behind me starting my AsSeenByLauren.

Through my blog, I am learning to love and appreciate who I am as a woman. I am gaining peace with who I am, with all the bad and good. I had to live out my truth because the truth was busting out. It all came from within.
The addiction for approval is a hard thing to put behind. However, that validation is not enough and it will never be enough. I needed Christ! Allowed man and fear to be the center of my soul instead of Christ. Only Christ and his comforting truth allowed to see that what I needed was real love that only comes from Him.

Christ is the only one who can teach me about loving myself. Christ and you co-laboring with Him is the key to your self-confidences. I believe, that Self love and the love of Christ can cure you of the addiction of approval. So sis… I am talking to you, beloved. It time for you to reclaim your confidence.
The lack of confidence is crippling. I think it can put your life on hold. Four years ago it really had my life on standstill. But today, I want you to allow Christ to dig deep into you. Allow Him to work out every issue you have with yourself. Allowing Him to uproot soul issues you face every single day. Work on this everyday sis! It’s not going to be easy, trust me! but I will be more than worth it. You are the light and don’t let anybody take your light away from you.

- First and foremost you are worthy! – the only approval you need is from yourself, nobody else. Be good with you.
- Choose Joy– This is a tough one for me to grasp. Joy comes when you make peace with who you are, why you are and how you are. Be more intentional in choosing joy.
- Believe in yourself: Simple as that, change your mindset and believe that you can do anything that you put your mind too. Don’t let the fear of man ruin anything you got going on.
- Find a passion or Be passionate- Blogging found me and now it is growing passion of mines. I feel more confident every day since I started blogging. What I desire is that whatever I talk about on my blog, that it would uplift the person that is reading.
- Be yourself — No more hiding behind the mask. Be your authentic self. Now you might have to step back and really get to know yourself again but take the challenge.
So with all that being said, keep striving! Believe in yourself, be yourself and I know that it will all work out. Reclaim your confidence!

I love your confidence! It’s so inspiring!
AWW thanks!!! There can be some bad days. I’m not perfect, but I try my best to push past them
Love this! Being yourself has got to be my favorite tip from this list.
Yes!! As bloggers, we try so hard to do what we see other bloggers do instead of putting who we actually are out there for the world to see.
I love this Lauren!! And I really love your tip about choosing joy – that is so so true! Keep shining girl! xo
-Madi xo |
Yes choosing JOY is a HUGE thing for me because happiness is a temporal state of emotions whereas joy is choosing a positive outcome even in a bad situation.
You have an amazing blog. Loved reading this. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you! I really appreciate the compliment! Have a great labor day weekend Nikhila!! <3